
"My Baby Will Be Adjusted For Life" - Guest Blog

I am excited to share this guest blog by one of my best friends, Victoria Rechcygl. Victoria and her husband, Dr. Chad, own and operate Rechcygl Family Chiropractic in WI. They are blessed with two beautiful children, Gemma and Roman. Victoria explains perfectly why "My Baby Will Be Adjusted For Life"!

Baby Gemma getting
adjusted by her daddy
"I did a lot of work to keep my pregnant self, and growing baby healthy. My first priority was to get adjusted by my Chiropractor, regularly though out my entire pregnancy. When she came out I did not stop, and I was sure to get my newborn baby's spine checked to make sure nothing had shifted from her birth. I learned a lot during my pregnancy. What my body and baby need, and how she was developing. I was amazed to find out that the babies spine and nervous system is the first thing to develop. It makes sense, because the brain and nervous system run everything in our bodies from our beating hearts to our breathing lungs and immune systems.

The immunity part is my favorite. Everyone who spends time with us and sees our daughter, is amazed by her. She is 1 1/2. She gets the sniffles sometimes, she sleeps like a rock, she eats fruits and vegetables, she has been alert from day one, and she is always happy. Of course, We did not vaccinate her. We know She is stronger than any chemical that could go into her body and hinder her health. Chiropractic patients immunity goes up 48% after an adjustment. We might get sick, but it will not last long.

Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University measured the immunity of Chiropractic patients in this study. His initial three-year study was of 107 individuals who had been under chiropractic care for five years or more. The chiropractic patients were found to have a 200% greater immune competence than those people who had not received chiropractic care, and they had 400% greater immune competence than those people with cancer and other serious diseases. The immune system superiority of those under chiropractic care did not appear to diminish with age,  Dr. Pero stated.

Knowing this, I felt much more powerful and in control of my daughters spine, and ultimately her total health. People say to me, "You're such a calm Mom, what's your secret?" Honestly, it's knowing a Chiropractic adjustment, and the perfect structure in my daughters spine, is the key to ultimate health, and longevity. I don't have to worry if she falls over, or gets a few sniffles. I know that her body heals, from her brain down through her spine, and out over her nerves to her organs and body, it simply needs no interference. That is why I am so grateful for my Chiropractor, who is also my husband.

Adjustments, and perfect curves in your spine, will keep your baby healthy for life. That is the greatest Peace as a Mother, I could have. So Get Your Family Checked! Get Your kids in for xrays! Even if you had a beautiful, drug free birth, at home with a midwife, vaginally, something still could have shifted, or been misplaced. Then Our kids grow, and develop and You want NOTHING to hinder perfect function, healing, and Immunity, while they grow. We have seen hundreds of Autistic Children, some who can't speak, even think, begin to sing, and then form their own words, within months. We've seen kids on antidepressants and ridalin, get off their medication and be happy, healthy, focused Children. We've seen babies who are scheduled to get tubes put in their ears, with "chronic" ear infections, get adjusted once, and the next day they are healed. It is possible!

This is why my daughter, and any future children we have will get adjusted from the moment they are born, for the rest of their life.

Also because Health affects the whole family. How much is Your child's health worth? We would all do Anything to keep them healthy for life. Investing a little money now in your families health NOW, Guarantees life long health, prevention, even reversal of dis-ease, and wealth. According to Harvard, Medical bills are the number 1 cause of bankruptcy after retirement, and that study was on people who had insurance. We all want what is best for our kids. You have the power to ensure Their Powerful health and happiness right now. This is the Greatest Peace of Mind a Parent can have.

Gemma, age 2.5, with
Baby Brother Roman
Today Know that You have everything to gain by getting your kid's and new baby's, spines checked, and adjusted!"

I could not agree more! Please check out Victoria's website and blog: http://www.innatemama.com/ for more posts on pregnancy, chiropractic, positive living and delicious, healthy food!


Nutty Date Balls - Recipe

You all know I'm a sucker for quick, easy, raw, gluten-free snacks...and, most importantly - Kid-Friendly! These whip up in like 5 Minutes and you probably have all the ingredients in the house. Good protein and Omega-3's from the nuts and EVCO, antioxidants from the raw cacao and not too sweet!

Nutty Date Balls:
1 cup raw almonds
1 cup raw walnuts
8-10 pitted dates
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Big pinch of sea salt
Raw Cacao nibs, approx. 2 tbs.
1 tbs EVCO

Combine the almonds & walnuts in a food processor (or high-powered blender). Pulse the nuts until the mixture is ground into a coarse powder. Add the dates, one at a time, pulsing several times between additions, until each date is well-incorporated. Add the vanilla and a generous pinch of salt. Pulse several more times to distribute the vanilla and salt. Add in EVCO and Cacao Nibs, and again pulse a few more times to evenly distribute. Scoop out mixture, roll into little balls, place on parchment paper and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving. Or, you can press into a baking pan over parchment paper and then cut into bars after it cools.


Birth Story - Sara and Rolando

When I met with Sara at our first prenatal visit to discuss her birth plans, she told me that she wanted to stay at home as long as possible. And, if she was ready to push and she was still at home, then that is where baby would be born. She seemed very confident in her decisions. Her first birth had been very long and exhausted her to the point that baby had to be vacuum extracted. (He was also posterior). This time around, she wanted to labor in comfortable positions, push when she felt the need, and stay relaxed in her own home.

Her first child had been born a few weeks early, so she suspected that #2 would be early also. Her due date was 12/25/11. She had been having light contractions for weeks.

On Friday, 12/23/11, I got a call around 6:00am from Sara. She had been up for a few hours walking around the block. The contractions were coming on stronger and closer now. She had taken a shower, which relaxed her and felt good on her back. I told her to continue walking or take a bath, whatever felt good to her; to eat something and stay hydrated. I wanted her to stay relaxed. I asked her to try to time the contractions and to call me back when they were about 5 minutes apart and I would come over. Around 7:30am, I got a text from her that they were 3-4 minutes apart. I tried calling her to discuss how she was feeling, but she did not answer. I figured that she just wanted to be alone. I waited for her call, and continued getting myself and Nolan ready to drop him off to the babysitter. It was now almost 9:00am, and no word. Through the amazing world of technology, I found out from a mutual friend that she was at the hospital!

I arrived at the hospital at 10:00am. As I entered her room, I was not prepared for the numerous nurses and to see Sara flat on her back with an oxygen mask on. I approached her, slowly, and placed my hand on her forehead. "Sara, I'm here", I said softly. She looked relieved and told me that the baby was distressed and they would need to vacuum him out, but they were waiting for the doctor. I think her husband was relieved to see me too! He stepped aside to let me in closer to Sara. I helped support her back, encouraging her, telling her she was doing great, and Lucas was almost here.  She stayed calm and focused, gathered her strength and pushed through the contractions. I could see the baby's head moving down. He was crowning when the doctor arrived and assisted her with the vacuum as she pushed little Lucas out at 10:30am. He was placed on her chest and rubbed down to warm him up. He did not cry much, and the nurses were concerned that he had meconium in his airway. After a few minutes, the took him to the warming table to suction out his mouth, and weigh and check him. Sara was cleaned up and I helped prop her up in bed to start breastfeeding. The nurses warned, "He is probably not going to want to breastfed right away", to which I replied "Oh, yes, he is!" I explained to Sara, but loud enough for the nurses to hear, that breastfeeding will help clear out the meconium and soothe his throat. She got Lucas positioned and he latched on right away! Sara was shocked that he latched immediately, but I was not. Baby has an intense need to suckle and be near Mama. The nurse returned a little later and was surprised that he was still breastfeeding.

I stayed with Sara for about an hour and half after Lucas was born. I learned that her phone had been accidentally turned off, so she never got my calls. The contractions had intensified so quickly after we last spoke that she wanted to go to the hospital. When she arrived at 8:30am, she was 7cm dilated. Her water never broke, so that was done with the amniohook, and Baby was born within 2 hours. I was so pleased to see Sara in good spirits after the birth, alert and ready to eat a big breakfast!

"I didn't get a chance to officially thank Jenn Cohen for her amazing work with me as our Doula. Once she walked in the room, the climate changed completely and I was more focused and determined to deliver our baby. Her guidance, instruction, and support made it possible for me to have a drug free birth. Before she got there I was begging for an epidural, but I was already 7cm dilated when I got to the hospital, as I was birthing at home. The midwife said that an epidural at that point would be counterproductive and ineffective. Thank you so much Jenn Cohen for helping make our birth as smooth as possible. We are forever grateful!!!" ~ Sara


The Marriage of Yoga and Childbirth

"We are here to love each other, serve each other and uplift each other"

As a yoga instructor, childbirth doula and mother, I have found that there is a beautiful marriage between the yoga practice and the act of giving birth. There are so many similarities; physically, through the breath, mentally and emotionally. This is why I highly encourage all pregnant women to attend not just a childbirth education course, but also attend a prenatal yoga class. These combined will ultimately empower and educate a woman, and solidify the trust to birth her baby.

32 weeks
Our breath is our "prana", or life force. It is the first thing we did when we were born, and its the last thing we will do before we die. It can move us, shape our lives. How we breath can empower us, energize us, or it can harm us. Our breath is vital for life. In both Yoga and Childbirth, the breath can calm and center us, reawaken our strength and power us through the movement of a pose or moving our baby down and out. It is imperative to practice proper breathing.

Yoga's first rule is "ahimsa", or to do no harm. In a yoga practice, that means to respect your body's limitations, to move slowly and carefully, never forcing, to enjoy and find pleasure in the movement, and to let go of competition, vanity and ego. How appropriate that applies to birth! If a woman is left alone to birth the way her body knows how to, she and those around her will be practicing "ahimsa". There will be no rush, time limit, or direction. Mother will enjoy the slow, sweet decent as Baby slips peaceful into her arms.

Many times, a Yoga practice can be strenuous, working the muscles, the heart and the lungs. It is a wonderful way to build cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength and balance. To follow proper form, the breath will lead your movements with an inhale on extension and exhale on flexing. Deep breathing will oxygenate the muscles as you slowly stretch and lengthen the muscle fibers, and will flush toxins out of the body. It will rejuvenate and massage the organs, tissues and cells. And, as you rest afterwards, you will feel the sweet rewards of your hard work.

Birth can be strenuous. Kneeling, squatting, pushing all require energy. A prenatal Yoga practice can help a women understand this energy and how to use her breath to direct it. It can also teach her how to let go of external thoughts, release emotions and focus on her birth. Just as someone finds confidence in completing a yoga series or strength in an advanced pose, a birthing woman will find her strength as she breaths her baby down; as she discovers her rhythm, her comfort measures, posture and ability to bring forth life.

For me, having a strong Yoga practice prior to pregnancy helped me to continue Yoga throughout pregnancy. I always felt so good after class, and knew I was doing the right thing for me and my developing baby. My mucles felt strong, my joints felt flexible, my head was clear and my heart was full of love. I really began to understand how my breathing affected my practice, my day-to-day activities, Hypnobirth classes and finally contractions. And, it helped me built my confidence as my belly grew, my posture changed and modifications were necessary. Yoga has taught me to be at peace with myself, my body and my decisions.