
Bath time...

I am so happy that we have a bath tub! Ever since Nolan was an infant, I would take him into the bath tub with me so I could wash him. I did a few "counter top baths", but I felt uncomfortable with it and Nolan seemed cold and cried the whole time. I insisted on one of those bath sponges that the babies lay on. Only $5.00! No need for a fancy "baby tub" or "baby spa" that cost from $30.00 and up. I think it is very uncomfortable and hard on a mama's back to lean over the bath tub, and very clumsy at the beginning when baby can not hold his head up. If you are lucky enough to have a bath tub, take advantage of it! Get in the tub with baby laying on the sponge. You can fill up the tub a little over the sponge so baby has warm water cradling him. This is very easy for mama to wash and hold baby.

Our routine: Nolan and I will usually get into the bath in the evening. After washing him up, we relax in the tub together. It gives us some quite time alone to bond and start settling down for bed. In the early days, I discovered this was the perfect time to breastfeed him. The warm water and skin-to-skin contact keeps the milk flowing...there are no interruptions, and no clothes to get in the way. The warm water soothes him and quiets my mind. Now that he is a little older and likes to play, I let him before calling for Daddy to come and get him. As I finish up in the shower, Avery will dry, diaper and dress him and spend a few more minutes cuddling with him before putting him to bed. This works out very well for all of us. 

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