
Food for toddlers

As Nolan gets more and more teeth (and wants to eat our food!), I have to become a little more creative in what I give him. I always follow the protocol "natural, healthy and mostly raw" when it comes to selecting his food. He likes to feed himself and although he only has about 7 teeth - all in the front - he does pretty good with gumming in the back. He will eat a whole apple, pear or peach all by himself. He just holds it and chomps away at it! When I open the refrigerator door, he comes running! Peas, blueberries, raspberries and peeled grapes are great for toddlers. They feel a sense of independence that they can pick up the food and actually feed themselves. Other veggies to try are asparagus stalks, zucchini and squash cubes, broccoli tops and bell pepper slivers. I also just a made a great dessert - quinoa pudding instead of rice pudding. Just boil in a pot with almond or coconut milk, adding cinnamon as needed. Really good and no need for sugar!

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