
Birth Story - Sarah and Gary

Sarah called me at 5:00am. She had been having light contractions since 1:00am, but they just started to become more regular, about 8-10 minutes apart, and intensify. This would be Baby #3, a girl, and her 2nd VBAC at home with a midwife. She was 39 weeks gestation.

Her midwife's assistant and I arrived at her house at the same time, 6:30am. Sarah answered the door and seemed the be handling her surges well as she made coffee and gathered some last-minute birthing supplies. She needed to stop what she was doing until the surge was over, and then continued on with what she was doing. The midwife's assistant set up the supplies in the bedroom, and I followed Sarah around, helping her and talking with her. Around 7:00am, the midwife wanted to check her. She was 5cm/100% effaced/+2 station. As the midwife finished up the exam, her water broke.

I helped Sarah into the bathroom to get clean up. As she sat on the toilet, her pelvis was able to open more, and the contractions started coming on faster and stronger. I think that the combination of this position and the water breaking allowed baby to move down even more. She wanted to go back to bed to lie down.

Things were really moving now. The surges were getting much closer together and much stronger. I showed her husband, Gary, how to massage her low back as counter-pressure and squeeze her hips together. He laid behind her, hugging her and whispering encouraging words to her. It was now about 7:30am. Sarah was crying out now, and saying that she had to push. The midwife calmly, gently said, "Then push your baby out." She turned over and started to push, the baby's head started to crown. I held her hand, supported her back and told her she was doing great and that her little girl would soon be here. Sarah pushed for about 15 minutes. Baby Grace was born at 7:45am and placed on Mama's chest. Baby never even cried. The bed room was dimly lit, and warm. She was placed immediately to her mother and covered in a blanket. There was no shock of harsh lights and cold, sterile air. There was no poking or prodding. The midwife let Baby lay with Sarah while the placenta delivered about 10 minutes later. Then Baby was given to Daddy to bond with while the midwife stitched up Sarah (slight tear), and then I helped Sarah to the bathroom to shower off.

When Sarah returned to the bedroom, the midwife did the newborn exams and foot prints, and then handed Baby Grace back to Mama to nurse. I helped Sarah get comfortable, and used some pillows for props. I made sure that she had good position, but this baby had no problems - she latched on right away! I stayed until 10:00am, making sure Sarah ate some food, stayed hydrated and helped with anything else she needed.

Although this was Baby #3 for Sarah, both her other labors were very long. Mentally, she had time to process what was happening. With this birth, everything progressed and intensified so quickly, she had little time to mentally prepare herself. She told me later that she still did not really believe that she was that far into labor until she had the urge to push.

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