Yes, he is unusual. He is unusually advanced for his age, something my husband and I contribute to the foods he eats. He has never had a boxed or canned food. Nothing processed. Always 100% natural, real food.
My conclusion: "What did these kids have for breakfast?" Probably a sugar-coated cereal with milk or a syrup-saturated waffle with apple juice. Or a doughnut, chocolate milk, maybe even candy! And now another sugary snack that their parent was told "it's OK to have a cookie sometimes" and "apple juice is made from fruit, so it's good for them". Sugar, sugar and more sugar! For the most part, kids that are bouncing off the walls are on a sugar high. Then they crash & burn, have a melt-down and require more sugar to balance their insulin levels. This causes kids to literally become addicted to sugar and crave only the taste of sugar. You hear parents say all the time, "My kids won't eat anything but..." and name a high-sugar, sweet food. You can stop this vicious cycle. It will take time and patience. Your kids will not be happy at first. But they will learn, they will adapt and they will love REAL food. Food with a variety flavors. Food that will not cause headaches, dehydration, shaking, stomachaches, constipation, insomnia and fatigue. And these are the immediate benefits! The long-term effects in reducing sugar intake are a decrease or prevention of diabetes, heart-disease, GI problems, yeast infections, skin problems, cavities and cancer.
Our breakfasts usually consist of a high-protein meal such as quinoa and egg, avocado, coconut water and/or a green smoothie (a variety of greens, almond milk or coconut water and half a banana). This type of meal gives you lots of energy, which is burned off slowly (so you are not hungry again within an hour, as you are with a high-sugar meal). It is low-calorie, and highly nutritious, with all the essential vitamins and minerals.
Below are some great books on adding green smoothies to yours and your child's diet. Enjoy!
Green Smoothies Diet: The Natural Program for Extraordinary Health
12 Steps to Whole Foods Complete Course (The complete 12 Steps to Whole Foods with Audio & Videos)
Green for Life
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