
My Birth Plan

Below is my birth plan, from www.earthmamaangelbaby.com
Although we had a planned birth at the birth center, we had to consider the possibility of an emergency c-section, and we wanted our wishes to be carried out in the event of being transferred to the hospital. Many of these "requests" are routine and normal for a birth with a midwife, such as laboring as long as necessary without intervention, natural inductions and natural pain management. That is just part of their philosophy. But I feel it is better to have it written out just incase there are complications, and you are transferred. In fact, I had two friends that had normal, beautiful births at the birth center, but then the placenta did not separate, so they had to be transferred to the hospital anyways for a DNC. What about baby, breastfeeding and bonding during the surgery and recovery? You must think about these things!

To my Health Care Providers: Thank you for taking the time to work with us and our birth plan. These are our preferences; however we are open and flexible to any medical intervention that may become necessary in the case of a medical emergency.

My Name: Jennifer Cohen
My Due Date: June 1, 2009
My Doctor: Michelle Gawne (midwife)
My Partner: Avery Cohen

  • As long as the baby and I are healthy, I would like to have no time restrictions on the length of my pregnancy.
  • I would like to discuss laboring at home as long as possible.
  • I trust that my practitioner will seek out my opinion concerning all of the issues directly affecting my birth before deviating from my plan.
  • If I go past my due date and the baby and I are fine, I prefer to go into labor naturally rather than be induced.
  • Please obtain my permission before stripping my membranes during a vaginal exam.
  • I prefer to have no vaginal exams until I go into labor.
  • During a vaginal exam, I prefer at no time to have my membranes broken unless there is an emergency situation.
  • I would like no internal vaginal exams, within reason, during my labor until I have an urge to push.
If induction becomes necessary, I would like to try natural induction techniques first (with the guidance of my practitioner). These are the natural induction techniques I would like to try: Breast stimulation, Walking, Herbs, Enema, Castor oil, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Sexual intercourse.

  • If my water breaks before I go into labor, I would like to have no time limits and talk about alternative treatment such as antibiotics.
  • Upon arrival at the hospital, I prefer to have my partner with me at all times.
  • Please, no residents or students attending my birth.
  • I request the following people to be present during my labor and/or 2nd stage labor: My Partner: Avery Cohen, My Siblings: Sarah Broxton.
  • I prefer to give birth in a birthing room.
  • I prefer to give birth in room with a shower and/or bath.
  • If birth equipment is available, I would like to use: A birthing bed, A birthing ball, A bean bag chair, A birthing tub/pool/shower, A birthing stool, A squatting bar.
Miscellaneous environmental requests:
  • I would like to have dimmed lights.
  • I would like for people entering the room to speak softly.
  • I would like to play music.
  • I would like no one to speak during the actual delivery.
  • I would like to wear my own clothes during labor and delivery.
I am prepared to try to handle pain with these natural and alternative methods: Breathing techniques, Distraction techniques, Hypnotherapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massage, Visual imaging work, Deep (or guided) relaxation, Water/bath/shower.

Other considerations :
  • Ultimately, I want to be able to walk around and move as I wish while in labor.
  • Ultimately, I would like to feel unrestricted in accessing any sounds of chanting, grunting, or moaning during labor.
  • Please keep my door always closed during labor.
I have prepared for this birth with Childbirth Hypnosis.

As long as the baby and I are healthy, I prefer to have no time limits on pushing.

I would like to be encouraged to try the following different positions for labor: Squatting, Classic semi-recline, Hands and knees, On the toilet, Standing upright, Side Lying or Whatever feels right at the time

I will ask for an enema if I feel that I need one.

I prefer to have no episiotomy and risk tearing (unless I'm having a medical emergency).

To help prevent tearing, please apply: Hot compresses, Oil, Perineal massage, Encourage me to breathe properly for slower crowning.

Other labor considerations:

  • If possible, please allow the shoulders and body of my baby to be born spontaneously, on their own.
  • I would like to view the birth using a mirror.
  • I would like to touch my baby's head as it crowns.
  • I would like to catch my baby and pull it onto my abdomen as it is born
  • I would like my partner to catch my baby
  • I would like for our baby to hear our voices first.
  • I prefer to have the lights dimmed for delivery or, if it is daylight, to access only natural light
  • It's important to me to push instinctively. I do not want to be told how or when to push.
After Baby is Born:
  • As long as my baby is healthy, I would like my baby placed immediately skin-to-skin on my abdomen with a warm blanket over it
  • Please do not separate me and my baby until after my baby has successfully breastfed on both breasts.
  • Please delay all essential routine procedures on my baby until after the bonding and breastfeeding period (i.e., bathing).
If a C-Section is not an emergency, please give us time alone to think about it before asking for our written consent.
  • My partner(s) is(are) to be present at all times during the c-section.
  • Ideally, I would like to remain conscious during the procedure.
  • I would like the baby to be shown to me immediately after it's born.
  • I would like to have contact with the baby as soon as it is possible in the delivery room.
  • I prefer to have a hand free to touch the baby.
  • We would like to photograph or film the operation as the baby comes out.
  • We would like to film or photograph only the baby after delivery.
  • If possible, please discuss anesthesia options with me (including morphine options).
  • I prefer a low transverse incision on my abdomen and uterus.
  • If my baby is healthy, I would like to hold my baby and nurse it immediately in recovery.
  • I would like to sign any waivers necessary to permit me to be with my baby in recovery.
  • As long as my baby is healthy, I would like my partner to be the baby's constant source of attention until I am free to bond with it (i.e., holding, skin-to-skin contact, etc.).
  • I would like to have my catheter and IV removed ASAP after my recovery period.
  • Please discuss with me what I can expect to feel immediately following the procedure.
  • Please discuss my post-operative pain medication options with me before or immediately following the procedure.
Please wait for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before it is clamped.
Please allow my partner to cut the umbilical cord.
Placenta: I would prefer for the placenta to be born spontaneously without the use of pitocin, and/or controlled traction on the umbilical cord and I would like the option of taking home the placenta.

If the baby has any problems, I would like my partner to be present with the baby at all times, if possible.
  • I would like to have routine newborn procedures delayed until bonding and breastfeeding have occurred.
  • I would like all newborn routine procedures to be performed in my presence.
  • Administration of Eyedrops: Please do not administer eye drops to my baby, I am willing to sign a formal waiver if need be.
  • Vitamin K: Please do not administer vitamin K to my baby, I am willing to sign a formal waiver if need be.
  • Immunizations: I prefer any immunizations be postponed to a later time.
  • Bathing Baby: Please do not bathe my baby at all. We would like to give our baby his/her first bath using our own non-toxic baby products.
  • Circumcision: Please do not circumcise him.
  • My baby is to be exclusively breastfed.
  • I would like to see a lactation consultant as soon as possible for further recommendations and guidance.
  • Do not offer my baby the following without my consent: Formula, Pacifiers, Any artificial nipples, Sugar water.
If my baby's health is in jeopardy, I would like:
  • To be transported with my baby if possible.
  • My partner to go with the baby.
  • To breastfeed or express my milk for my baby.
  • To have as much bodily contact with my baby as possible.
  • To be offered a room at the hospital for the duration of my baby's stay (within reason).
I would like my in-hospital routine to be: Full rooming in, no separation, no exceptions, unless my baby is sick.

Other hospital preferences:
  • I prefer a private room.
  • I prefer to have my partner stay with me for the duration of my hospital stay.
  • I want privacy during my stay and for my guests to limit the time they are visiting me.

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