
The Natural Mama's Guide to Growing a New Baby

As I am growing Baby #2, I thought I would share what I have found the best way to "grow" a healthy baby throughout your pregnancy. With Nolan, I was very unaware of how my body worked; my cycles were never regular and I had no idea of when I was ovulating. Getting pregnant was by luck. At that time, I thought I ate healthy (looking back, I did, but not as well as I do now). I did exercise all the time, got adjusted regularly and eliminated toxins.

After Nolan was born and I started getting my period again (about 1 year post-partum), I really began to notice how my body worked. My cycles were very regular, like to the day. I knew exactly when I was ovulating. My husband and I practiced Natural Family Planning, and for us, it works. I will let you in on a little secret...I did not get pregnant until I wanted to; it only took one try - and voila - I was pregnant!

The Natural Mama's Guide to Growing a New Baby:
The Awesome Avocado
1) Eat FOR Your Baby: Fetuses need the same things as infants - highly nutritious food with proper supplementation. This can be a little tricky during the first trimester when "morning sickness" can seem like "all-day sickness". I really like ginger, so ginger tea, ginger ale (Zevia brand only - stevia sweetened, no HFCS, preservatives or artificial ingredients like regular soda), and ginger chews. For both pregnancies, I craved fruit, especially watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, orange, apples and pears. Wet and sweet. I can not eat hot food, I prefer cold or cool. Like a huge salad. Tons of water. Supplements are a must, more now then ever - Omega 3, Probiotics, Vit D, Spiralina (pill form) and Prenatal Vitamins. We prefer Garden of Life for our supplements since they are all raw and organic. Since mornings are worse for me, I take the vitamins at lunch and dinner. I try to get in as much healthy fats as possible - Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Walnuts and Almonds, and tons of avocados - all those essential fatty acids for baby's brain development! Have you ever noticed how when you cut open a avocado it resembles a pregnant belly with baby (seed) inside? It also takes  - amazingly - 9 months to grow an avocado! The Perfect food for Pregnant Mommies.

2) Yoga, Yoga and More Yoga - I still continue to do yoga daily. I enjoy quiet meditation times. I relish in sloooooow stretches. The thing I love about Yoga is that you make it your own, and you don't need to go to the gym or studio to do it. In the early months, you might just want to practice at your own pace and in your own way. That's fine.This is when those instinctual "mommy hormones" start kicking in - listen to them! Yoga helps your body to de-stress and the deep breathing and deep stretching can help eliminate toxins. Cultivating a strong yoga practice before your pregnant can make it easier to create your own practice by yourself. Taking up a Prenatal Yoga class later on in your pregnancy is ideal.

 3) Sleep Like a Mama Bear - I sleep whenever I want, and I don't care! Sleep is good - this is when the body repairs, heals and little New Baby is growing. Nolan still loves to cuddle with me, so he is my nap partner.

4) Turn the Power On - As always, I get adjusted regularly. I want to make sure everything in my body is functioning properly, my immune system is strong and nervous system is firing to help grow this new Little One. Baby needs to be getting all proper nutrients and hormones from me, so my body has to be in tip-top condition to grow - and birth - this baby!

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