
Guilt-Free Sandwiches

I love sandwiches! I could literally eat one every day for lunch - peanut butter and jelly, BLT's, grilled cheese and tomato, and any other combnation of bread, cheese and meat.

Problem - almost everything on that sandwich is not good for you. Traditional Bread - full of inflammatory grains, sugars and preservatives; Mayo - check out that label first!; Deli Meat/Bacon - can you say sodium, preservatives and I don't know of a deli meat that is grass-fed free-range; Cheese - unless is raw, organic, unpasteurized cheese, I would not eat it. Again, look at ingredients in the label; Peanut Butter - Peanuts are inflammatory, and oils that PB is made with (corn/cottonseed/safflower) are also inflammatory and GMO; Jelly - check your labels for organic fruits, no HFCS or aspartame.

Solution - learn some simple alternatives to switch to that will keep you satisfied. And, you might just fall in love with a "new" sandwich.
  • Bread - we only use Ezekiel Bread, which is USDA Certified Organic, and made with sprouted seeds/grains. You can also look for gluten-free breads made with rice flour.
  • Mayo - you can make your own, or look for organic and/or vegan alternatives.
  • Meat - avoid deli meat at all costs. Instead you can use thinly sliced or ground chicken, turkey, beef (organic, free-range, antibiotic/hormone-free)...and see my "meat alternative" below.
  • Almond Butter - use this instead of PB. And, you can make your own in your blender. Almonds, coconut oil, a little salt, honey and cinnamon.
  • Jelly - you can made your own fruit purees from organic fruits. And, I love almond butter and banana toasted sandwiches.

Grilled Portobello Mushroom Burgers:
Grill up a large Portobello Mushroom. While it's grilling, lightly brush both sides several times with a mixture of Balsamic Vinaigrette, S&P, and Ground Cumin, Oregano and Basil. When tender, remove, place on a Ezekiel Bread Hamburger Bun. Add spicy mustard to bun and top "burger" with and a slice of raw Cheddar cheese, alfalfa sprouts and avocado (and any other veggies you like). Portobello Mushrooms are thick and have a "meaty" texture. You will think you are eating a hamburger without the guilt!

Grilled Eggplant Sandwiches:
Cut eggplant into thin circles (my new favorite type is the Japanese/Oriental Eggplant!). Brush with EVCO, sprinkle with S&P and your favorite seasonings and grill until soft. Place on Ezekiel Bread, or Food for Life Gluten-free Rice Bread. Add mustard/mayo. Top with raw mozzarella, tomato and arugula. Toast lightly to melt cheese and enjoy! Very filling and tasty!

If you choose to make these sandwiches vegan, just substitute the cheese.

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