
A Best-Kept Secret...The "Rice Sock"

I know, you're thinking, "What is a rice sock?". I have never heard of one until my midwife told me about it, but it is truly a life-saver! Imagine you have just finished breastfeeding your infant, and he has fallen asleep against your arm. Although you are tired and want to rest, it is 2:00pm in the afternoon and there are so many things that you need to to do before this tiny thing holds you hostage on the couch for another hour! (haha - just kidding) So, you gently begin to slide him off your arm to rest in his swing, boppy or sleeper. He starts to fuss and squirm, and you try to comfort him with a blanket or fuzzy friend, but no, he starts to wake up, cry and doesn't stop until he is back in your arms - on the couch! Your arm is soft and warm. He likes laying against you. Ok, so do you start all over again, or just take that nap yourself? You can, and enjoy the bliss of napping with your baby, which is wonderful. Or, you can pull out your rice sock and get some things done before he wakes up.

The rice sock is simple - fill a thick (preferably wool) sock with rice, and I add a little lavender essential oil to calm and soothe baby. You can use any scent you like. Shake the rice up and move it around in the sock to evenly distribute the oil. Knot off the end. The sock should be long enough to be filled up to match approx. the length and thickness (or more) of your forearm. A mens' sock works great! You can heat it up a little by running it in the dryer for a few minutes. When baby falls asleep and you are easing them into to their swing or boppy, just place the rice sock next to them or in between their legs and resting against their tummy. It keeps them warm and it feels like your arm. You can make a rice sock in 5 minutes. The sock, rice and essential oil you should have in the house anyways, so no special trip to the store or even really an expense - free, green living at it's finest! 

In his swing, hugging the rice sock
Nolan loved his rice sock. We have not used in quite some time, but it always kept him sleeping soundly and can help with an upset stomach. It also works great as a neck soother for mom while breastfeeding - just warm up and place on the back of your neck! Everybody wins!
Baby and Puppy enjoy the warm rice sock


Jenny said...

I LOVE this!!! Man I wish I would have used this trick with the twins.

Jenny said...

What a great idea!!! I wish I would have done this with the boys when they were little....well little-er :o)