
5 Ways to be a Green Mama

Today is Earth Day - and I couldn't think of a more wonderful way to say "thank you" to Mother Earth then sharing, encouraging and inspiring other Mamas to become a little more "GREEN"! My Earth Day post last year gave a few ideas, and here are a few more.....

The Natural Mams's Top 5 Ways to be a Green Mama:

1. Baby Food 101: Making your own baby food is easy! It does require a bit of pre-planning, but the true reward is knowing exactly what is in your baby’s food. In commercial baby food, the fruits and veggies are cooked for so long that they are depleted of their vital nutrients. Then they are diluted with water, and preservatives are added. Not a very nutritious meal for a growing baby. When we eat raw and as close to the earth as possible, we cut dangerous preservatives from our diet and eliminate all the jars, containers and boxes that become waste. All you need to start making your own baby food is a steamer, blender or food-processor, an ice-cube tray and reusable storage. (Visit my blog posts on "baby food" and "recipes" for more details.)

2. Think Local, Be Local: Supporting locally-owned businesses helps build our local economy. Buying locally grown foods is healthier and environmentally-friendly. Walking and bicycling to your local stores is a great chance for exercise, fun family time and reduces pollution. Visit your local farmers market to stock up on fresh fruits and veggies or check out your community vendor fair next time you need a gift. A recent study shows that shifting just 1% of consumer expenditures to direct purchasing of local food products would increase farmers' income by 5%.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Before you buy, think about if you really need it. Can you swap baby/maternity clothes and products with a friend? Can you reuse items from baby #1? Or maybe pick up gently used items on consignment? Remember, every time something is produced, packaged and shipped, there are harsh effects on the environment. Continuous factory pollution and over-flowing land fills are a priority concern. You can even donate or consign your used clothes, accessories and furniture to make a little extra money. Reusable shopping bags, reusable coffee/water bottles, and cloth baby diapers saves money and our environment!

4. Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness: Next time you are about to clean your house, do your laundry or give your baby a bath, look at the back of the bottle. Do you really know what is in it? Do you really want those unknown chemicals on your floor, your clothes, dishes AND your baby? Those chemicals also wash down the drain, right into our water system and destroy our environment. Much research shows that exposure to these toxic chemicals can lead to neurological disorders, respiratory problems, cancer, and more. Homemade cleaners are easy, effective, non-toxic and inexpensive, utilizing items you probably have in your house already (vinegar, baking soda, castile soap, lemon juice and essential oils). Castile or Shea is a gentle soap for everyone in the family. If you do use store-bought cleaning products and detergents, please make sure they are phosphate-free. (Visit the blog post on "Cleaning the House Naturally" for more details and recipes.)
Free-Range, Organic,
Grass-Fed, Local Baby

5. Breastfeeding Leaves No Carbon Footprint: So breastfeed your baby as long as your can! Not only does breastfeeding save you money on bottles and formula, but the amazing immunological benefits of Mother's Milk protects your child against illnesses no matter how old they are. This can save on numerous doctor visits, medications and missed days of school & work.

"Nature needs no help, just no interference"

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